Jan Bijvoet

The Forgotten Battle

The Forgotten Battle

"The Forgotten Battle" November 1944. On the flooded isle of Walcheren, Zeeland, 1000's of Allied troopers are battling the German military. Three younger lives develop into inextricably linked. A Dutch boy combating for the Germans, an English glider pilot, and a lady from Zeeland linked to the resistance in opposition to her will, are compelled to make essential decisions that ...
Motel Acacia

Motel Acacia

In the cold west, Motel Acacia is tasked with exterminating immigrants by the government through a BED, haunted with the spirit of a Filipino tree demon, that eats men and impregnates women. A young Filipino man, JC, is groomed by his tyrannical caucasian Father to take over the business.
Into the Night

Into the Night

When the sun suddenly starts killing everything in its path, passengers on an overnight flight from Brussels attempt to survive by any means necessary.
In Darkness

In Darkness

A blind musician hears a murder committed in the apartment upstairs from hers that sends her down a dark path into London's gritty criminal underworld.